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Service Times
Sundays: 9am / 11am
Wednesdays: 7pm


Have you ever imagined the future and thought to yourself, “What if there’s more to life than the life I’m living now? Can I make a difference in the world? Was I really made with a purpose?” At Victory, we believe the answer to all of the above is YES! And that’s why we’re here! To build a place where we can all belong, grow, and help make an impact in the world around us! 
Service Times
Sunday at 9am / 11am        Wednesday at 7pm

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plan your visit

No matter what stage, age, or season you find yourself in, Victory Church is for you! We invite you to come just as you are and be part of this community of people who are striving together to discover God’s purpose and plan for their lives! Our team is ready to make sure your first experience is a great one!

Connect Groups

Connect Groups are small groups with people around your age. Connect Groups were created for people to intentionally share their lives with others, grow spiritually together, and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life. Connect Groups will last around 6 weeks starting on September 18th and ending on October 23rd.

To check out all the available groups we offer and for more information, click the link below.

Pastor Allen and Velda Bates

Founding Senior Pastors

Our only and burning passion is to build the Church and the Kingdom of God on Earth. Our mission is to see people being freed to fulfill their purpose and calling. We believe in people. We believe in their potential, and also in their incredible ability to influence the world for good. Follow Pastor Allen on Twitter and Velda Bates on Victory Ladies Facebook group.

giving is our privilege

God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

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